Curriculum Vitae

CURRICULUM VITAE of Lars-Erik Persson (LEP)

Name: Lars-Erik Persson
Date of Birth: September 24, 1944
Place of Birth: Dorotea, Sweden
Present family: Lena (wife) and Elin (child) and Hans Erik (child).  LEP has also three children from a previous marriage: Susanne, Torbjörn and Zakarias. He has five grandchildren (so far).



  1. “FilosofiskÄmbetsexamen” 1969 with Mathematics (80 points), Physics (50 points), Numerical Analysis (30 points), Mathematical Statistics (30 points) and Pedagogics (20 points).
    2. Specialist teacher degree 1970 (in Mathematics/Physics).
    3. PhD in Mathematics 1974. Title of the PhD thesis: Relations between regularity of periodic functions and their Fourier series.
    4. Docent degree 1987 (Scientific evaluation by Professor Jaak Peetre, Stockholm, Lund, and Professor Gunnar Aronsson, Linköping).
* Umeå University: Senior Lecturer 1974-75
* Luleå University:of Technology Senior Lecturer 1975-1994
Dean of Dept of Math 1978-81
Head of Research at Dept of Math 1979-2010
Full Professor (emeritus after 2018) 1994-12-13
Lund University: Acting Professor 1988, 3 months
UiT The Artic University of Norway, Campus Narvik: 1992-07-01 till 1994-12-13, Full Professor(after that parttime, at the moment 20 %) 1990-92, 1998- still
Uppsala University Professor 30- 50 %,emeritus after 2010 2004-2010
Karlstad University Senior Professor 2019-still


* LEP was vice President 1994-96 and President 1996-98 of the Swedish Mathematical Society.

* LEP has been ordinary member six years of the board NT1 (Mathematics and Technical Mathematics) at The Swedish Research Council, which is a governments agency that distributes the funding for basic research of the highest scientific quality in Sweden. Four of these years (2010, 2012-2014) he was the chairman of the board.

* LEP has been a member of the Swedish National Committee for Mathematics at the Royal Academy of Sciences from 1994 and even its secretary during 1995 -2002.

* LEP was the founder of “Centre of Applied Mathematics” at Luleå University of Technology 1995 and was its director till 2005.

* LEP was director of “Centre of Interdisciplinary Mathematics” at Uppsala University during 2007-2009.

* LEP obtained in 2002 the first “Louise Petréns” award for his special support to female mathematicians in Sweden (In particular, he has been supervisor for 29 females with PhD exams, a record without comparison in Sweden).

* LEP obtained the Orlicz medal in 2003 for his contributions in mathematical research.

* LEP received Sammy Lindmark´s award 2004 (50 000 SEK) for his research and cooperation with the society outside the university.

* LEP was appointed as honorary professor in 2005 at Eurasian National University in Astana, Kazakhstan (he was the first mathematician appointed on such a position at this university).

* LEP received the Luleå University of Technology award 2005 (40 000 SEK) for his outstanding cooperation with the world outside the university.

* LEP received “Ångpanneföreningens award” 2008 (100 000 SEK) for his outstanding work to transfer important knowledge to the world outside the university (at most one researcher (all subjects) in Sweden can receive this award each year).

* LEP received the Luleå University of Technology award 2008 (10 000 SEK) as the best supervisor at this university (Remark: It was the first time this award was given to someone at this university).

*LEP is exceptionally broad as researcher. Besides his main field Engineering Mathematics he has both been supervisor, been opponent  and written Journal papers on several fields far beyond that, including some research, supervision and  judgement connected to skiing, snow and ice. He has also long practical experience, including finalizing 50 years of skiing in Swedish Vasarun (90 km).


* LEP has been a supervisor for seventyone students up to their PhD exams ( a record in nordic countries).  Another 14 students have finished their Licentiate degrees under his supervision. At the moment LEP is a supervisor of three doctoral degree students at UiT The Artic University of Norway, one at The Eurasian National University in Astana, Kazakhstan, one at Karlstad University, Sweden and one at Addis Abeba University in Ethiopia.

* LEP has been opponent or in grading committees for more than 30 PhD exams.


* LEP is the author or coauthor of around 320 scientific publications, especially he is coauthor of 15 books and co-editor of another 7 books.

* LEP cooperates with several persons around the world and, in particular, he has written joint papers/books together with around 170 Mathematicians from 42 different countries

* LEP is editor of “Journal of Function Spaces and Applications” (he was founder and Editor-in-Chief for this Journal up to 2010).

* LEP is also editor of  the following Journals: “Mathematical Inequalities & Applications, MIA”, “Constructive Mathematical Analysis, CMJ”, “ADVANCES in Nonlinear Variational Inequalities”, “Journal of Inequalities and Applications” and also honorary Editor of “The Australian Journal for Mathematical Analysis and Applications, AJMAA”.

LEP has been invited for shorter and longer periods to several universities. For example, he has been at Lund University as full professor for three months, at Universidad Central de Venezuela in Caracas, Venezuela, as full professor for three months, at McMaster University, Canada, as visiting professor for one month, at University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznan, Poland, as visiting professor for 1.5 months, at Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain, as visiting professor for one month, at Sofia University, Bulgaria, as visiting professor for one month and at Royal Military University College, Kingston, Canada, as visting professor for one month. During November 2015 he was invited to College de France by Fields medalist P.L. Lions to deliver a series of lectures in his seminar.

* LEP has been member or head of the organizing committee for five conferences in mathematics and he has given more than 50 talks at international conferences (most of these talks are given as invited or plenary speaker).

* LEP has been external expert (sakkunnig) to the appointment boards for permanent academic positions (5 full professorships and around 50 associate professor positions) at the following universities: Agder University, Tampere University, Linköping University, Lund University, Chalmers University of Technology, Umeå University, Stockholm University, Narvik University College, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Mid-Sweden University, Västerås University, Halmstad University, Karlstad University, Luleå University of Technology, Malmö University and Örebro University.