In July this year I got the honor to deliver a special plenary lecture at the big conference IWOTA2019 in Portugal, with more than 500 participants.

As you see on the photo on second row to the left the title of my talk was “My life with Hardy and his inequalities” (see pdf), where I in particular got the opportunity to inform about some new results from my recent book (jointly written with Professors Alois Kufner and Natasha Samko) and from my Lecture Notes from my invitation of Fields Medalist P.L. Lions. But most of all I feel honored that at the conference it was organized a special Session to honor my 75th birthday. And indeed more than 40 researchers from 26 different countries gave their talks in this Session so the organizers must even do it in two rooms in parallell. On the main photo you see me together with some of these speakers. In particular, just in front of me you see two of my main collaborators Professors Ryskul Oinarov and Vladimir Stepanov, with whom I have jointly supervised around 15 students up to their PhD exams. To the left of me you see Dr. Elena Ushakova, which is such joint student of me and Professor Stepanov and she also gave a lecture to my honor. And to the left of me you see another of my main collaborators namely Professor Natasha Samko, who also was one of the organizers of the Session. And between us you see Dr. Staffan Lundberg, which we jointly supervised. As another example of speaker in this Session I mention Professor Ference Weisz from Hungary, see the photo on the second row to the right. In fact, it was first time I met him but already now we decided to write new book together (also with Dr. George Tephnadze, another of my former PhD students which gave talk to my honor). I was appointed as honorary Professor in 2005 at Eurasian National University in Kazakhstan. As a reminder of this remarkable fact and as present I got the special Kazakh dress they can give only at very special occasions. On the photos on last row you see me in this dress, on the left together with professor Ryskul Oinarov and to the right with Dr. Akbota Abylayeva, which was our jointl PhD student.
